Visit of Muslim Medical Mission Foundation

Dr Nasser Hamdani, chairman of the board of directors of Muslim Medical Mission, visited the Khair Way Foundation with the accompanying delegation. Muhammad Mücahit Ülkü, director

Dr Nasser Hamdani, chairman of the board of directors of Muslim Medical Mission, visited the Khair Way Foundation with the accompanying delegation. Muhammad Mücahit Ülkü, director of Khair Way Foundation, welcomed the delegation.

The Muslim Medical Mission Foundation organises seminars to promote a better understanding of Islam and medical practices within the framework of Islam, to establish free medical camps, health clinics and to increase people's health awareness.

The Medical Foundation has implemented many projects such as sacrifice slaughtering, aid trucks, cash aid and medical support. The two sides agreed on important projects and a large number of sacrifices in the Gaza Strip for the coming year. They also invited Medical Foundation, Khair Way Foundation to visit Pakistan.

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