Hayır Yolu Held A Meeting With İnsanı̇ Bı̇na Foundation

With the participation of our manager Muhammet Mücahit Ülkü and our overseas operations officer Abdullah Akhan, we held a meeting with Recep Tayyip Ayyıldız, general manager of İns

With the participation of our manager Muhammet Mücahit Ülkü and our overseas operations officer Abdullah Akhan, we held a meeting with Recep Tayyip Ayyıldız, general manager of İnsani Bina Foundation at the headquarters of our institution.

During the meeting the two sides discussed humanitarian aid projects, the warm food project to be distributed in the Gaza Strip and the preparation of aid trucks to be sent to Palestine.

We established an alliance with İnsani Bina Institute to implement joint projects.

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