Eid al-Adha which is one of the important days in Islam coincides with the 10th of Dzulhijjah according to the Hijriyah calendar. Qurbani worship contains many virtues and wisdom.

Eid al-Adha which is one of the important days in Islam coincides with the 10th of Dzulhijjah according to the Hijriyah calendar. Qurbani worship contains many virtues and wisdom. Here are some of the virtues of qurbani worship:

Expression of Obedience and Surrender: Qurbani is an indication of obedience and submission to Allah. Sacrifice of worship associated with Prophet Ibrahim’s obedience to God’s commands, this worship helps Muslims express obedience to God’s commands.

Taqwa and Loyalty: Qurbani shows one’s piety and loyalty to Allah. This act done with the intention of sacrificing expresses the distribution of wealth by self-sacrifice to earn the pleasure of Allah.

Sharing Enjoyable and Gratitude: Qurbani worship helps one express gratitude to Allah. A person realizes the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon him and by sharing these blessings fosters solidarity with others.

Cooperation and Solidarity: Qurbani encourages Muslims who have the financial means to help those in need. Slaughtered animal meat is distributed to the needy and poor. Thus, the spirit of solidarity and cooperation in society is getting stronger.

Forgiveness and Atonement of Sins: Qurbani is an opportunity for the forgiveness and blotting out of one’s sins. Performing qurbani with good intentions and to gain the pleasure of Allah can be a means of forgiveness of one’s sins.

Proximity to Allah: Qurbani worship expresses closeness to Allah and love for Him. Qurbani means taking a step towards the pleasure of Allah and drawing closer to Him.

Example of the Prophet Ibrahim: Qurbani worship reminds Muslims of Ibrahim’s example of loyalty and obedience.

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