Our Qurban has Been Distributed to Those in Need

We celebrate Eid al-Adha in 2022 still under the shadow of Israel’s attacks and persecution against our brothers and sisters in Palestine. During the pains, hardships and problems

We celebrate Eid al-Adha in 2022 still under the shadow of Israel’s attacks and persecution against our brothers and sisters in Palestine. During the pains, hardships and problems of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted in many countries of the world: especially in Palestine who struggles to live with blood and tears; We celebrate Eid with sadness and sorrow. We strive to strengthen our ukhuwah bonds by sharing the pain of our oppressed and disadvantaged brothers and sisters, to create Eid awareness by strengthening our unity and solidarity.

As Khair Way Foundation we have strived to carry out a qurban program in 2022 to people in need in various parts of the Islamic world with the support of partners and donors, with the motto “Qurban is Worship, Sharing is Ukhuwah.”

The qurban programs implemented in Palestine, Indonesia, Turkey and Pakistan have been distributed to those in need.

The qurban programs that have been implemented with the support of our partners and donors in Palestine are as follows; In Jerusalem and Gaza, 15 sheeps and  7 cows were distributed to 585 families in need.

In addition, the qurban program carried out by our foundation’s independent fundraising includes: 8 sheep/goats and 4 cows slaughtered in Turkey, Indonesia and Pakistan, distributed to 155 needy families.

A total of 740 families with a total of 3,700 people have benefited from our qurban program in Jerusalem, Gaza, Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey. With wasilah the qurban meat that has been given becomes the asbab of receiving prayers, happiness and removing the sadness of our brothers who are oppressed and sad.

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