Muzaffer Seyyahoğlu: Al-Khair Way Was Founded to Be the Safest Hand to the Poor in the World

Istanbul/ Media Department Mr. Muzaffer Seyyahoğlu, chairman of Al-Khair Way Foundation’s board of directors, said that the foundation was founded to become the safest hand to the

Istanbul/ Media Department

Mr. Muzaffer Seyyahoğlu, chairman of Al-Khair Way Foundation’s board of directors, said that the foundation was founded to become the safest hand to the poor. In a recorded speech, he asserted that Al-Khair Way was established to emphasize the bonds of brotherhood among the Muslim people and the benefactors all around the world.

After the implementation of the projects of Al-Khair Way Foundation within Ramadan Al-Khair Program, the chairman of the foundation congratulated Muslims and invited them to donate to charity, working by the words of the Messenger of God, Mohammed (PBUH): “Cure your patients with charity.”

Mr. Seyyahoğlu stated that the Turkish foundation helps the poor worldwide during these hardships due to the outbreak if the coronavirus.

He also emphasized the importance of following the instructions of the competent authorities and the procedures and measures taken by governments in order to stay safe from the virus. Following the saying of the prophet (PBUH): “cleanliness is part of faith,” he asked people to pay more attention to cleanliness, and to maintain social distancing and stay at home, away from crowded places, for the sake of their health and that of their loved ones.

Lastly, the foundation’s board of directors concluded: “We are waiting for your help and support, and we will be the safe hands to reach the poor and needy. Let us be your ‘Nearest Way to Charity'”.

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