Education in Jerusalem Under Israeli Pressure

Education in the occupied city of Jerusalem faces pressure from the Israeli occupation authorities in an attempt to impose a distorted curriculum that targets curricula and schools

Education in the occupied city of Jerusalem faces pressure from the Israeli occupation authorities in an attempt to impose a distorted curriculum that targets curricula and schools. Palestinians in Jerusalem object to this measure, saying Israel is imposing textbooks that “destroy ethnic identity.”

Authorities and non-governmental organizations in Jerusalem said in a statement, “We confirm that we absolutely reject any attempt to impose fake and artificial curricula on our children, contrary to academic references, and that we will only accept Palestinian curricula. for the education of our children.”

The authorities stressed that the occupied Palestinians have the right to choose the curriculum in which they will be educated. Palestine calls on relevant international institutions and governing bodies to fulfill their responsibility to prevent occupation attempts and attacks on schools.

In Jerusalem; There are private schools affiliated with the Department of Islamic Foundations, affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), and various schools affiliated with the Israeli local government in Jerusalem.

Palestinian schools in Jerusalem teach Palestinian educational curricula, but Israel’s local government in Jerusalem and Israel’s Ministry of Education said after removing terms related to Palestinian ethnic identity and symbols, such as “Palestinian woes, Israeli practices and attacks, East Jerusalem will become the capital of the state.” Palestine of the future, prisoners and martyrs, Palestinian flags and national figures” reprint books.

Israel’s Education Minister Yifat Shasha Biton said six Palestinian schools would revoke their permanent operating permits and issue a one-year temporary permit as a deadline for collecting “provocative books”, citing “dangerous provocation” in their curriculum.

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