Alkhair Way Foundation Ramadan Programs in 2022

During the month of Ramadan in 2022, we carry out various programs. The programs implemented include an iftar program for fasting people, cash assistance, distribution of basic nec

During the month of Ramadan in 2022, we carry out various programs.

The programs implemented include an iftar program for fasting people, cash assistance, distribution of basic necessities, shopping cards, Eid clothes and clean water wells.

The program was implemented in collaboration with 12 partners from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey.

During the month of Ramadan we organize 20 iftars; 8 iftar in Jerusalem, 10 in Gaza, iftar in Pakistan and iftar in Turkey.

4,714 beneficiaries benefited from the iftar program at a cost of $26,940 (twenty six thousand nine hundred forty dollars).

89 families benefited from the cash transfer program, with donations from Turkey and Thailand in the form of zakat mal and zakat fitrah. $12,800 (twelve thousand eight hundred dollars) was distributed to needy families with details of 30 in Jerusalem, 29 in Hebron, 10 in the Gaza Strip and 20 in Istanbul.

Foundation distributed 233 food packages in the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem with beneficiaries 50 families in Jerusalem, 183 in the Gaza Strip with a total donation of $9,000 (nine thousand dollars).

Foundation distributed shopping cards to 70 families in Turkey with a symbolic value of 27 dollars per card, for a total of $1890 (one thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars).

Foundation provided assistance for Eid clothes to 183 people during the month of Ramadan with Indonesian partners amounting to 5,470 (five thousand four hundred and forty rupiah).

Foundation also built a water well in Chand Wala village, Punjab city, Pakistan which serves 35 houses, accommodating 210 people. The total budget used for this program is $500 (five hundred dollars) with direct support from the Chairman of the Board of Directors; Muzaffer Seyyahoğlu.

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