29 November International Day of Solidarity for the Palestinian People

Exactly 75 years ago, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations (UN), which accepted the plan to divide Palestine into two states, Arab and Jewish, decided to celebrate the same

Exactly 75 years ago, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations (UN), which accepted the plan to divide Palestine into two states, Arab and Jewish, decided to celebrate the same day as the “International Day of Solidarity for the Palestinian People” 30 years later.


After two months of intense deliberation, the UN General Assembly, at its second session on 29 November 1947, adopted the partition plan submitted by the majority of the Palestine Special Committee in resolution 181(II).

Resolution 181, known as the “partition” decision at that time, was adopted with 33 states voting in favor and 13 voting against it, while 10 states abstained.

The decision in question envisaged the abolition of the British mandate and the gradual withdrawal of the army, and the division of the Palestinian territories into three.

The part where the Arab state was to be established corresponded to an area of ​​11,000 square kilometers, covering a part of the desert along the Egyptian border strip and the southern coast stretching from the West Jalil, Akka, the West Bank and the north of Ashdod to the city of Rafah in the south.

The part where the Jewish State would be established consisted of an area of ​​close to 15 thousand square kilometers, covering the coastline from Haifa to Tel Aviv, East Jalil, Lake Tiberias, the northeastern border of the occupied Palestinian territories and the Najaf (Negev) Desert.

The third part, which includes Jerusalem and Bethlehem and other neighboring lands, was envisaged to be governed by international tutelage.

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